
Playing around

Testing and Refactoring Legacy Code - by Sandro Mancuso

I’ve just watched this presentation by Sandro Mancuso about Testing and Refactoring Legacy Code.

In this video the trip-service-kata is used.

These are notes to myself taken while watching the video:

  • Wrap code with tests before modifying it. If the code is not covered by tests perform IDE auto refactorings only.
  • Start testing from the lower nesting level to the deepest.
  • Start refactoring from the deepest nesting level to the shorter.
  • In the case of static methods, singletons or instances being created inside a method: create seams to make code testable. Seams can be overriden in order to obtain an intermediate testable class.
  • When working with legacy code use code coverage in order to verify that your tests cover the code they are created for.
  • Use builders to make tests more readable.
  • Refactor staying on the green side of red-green-refactor cycle as much as you can.
  • Try to convert conditionals to guards.
  • Initially get rid of variables whenever possible without considering potential performance issues caused by calling methods multiple times. Variables can be reintroduced later on if needed.
  • Your code should reflect the language in your tests if possible.
  • The language in your tests and code should be the domain language.
  • If the design is wrong - when adding tests we are perpetuating the wrong design!
  • Wrap static methods in instance methods. In your code base start replacing static calls to instance calls, until the static call is not used anymore: then you can get rid of the static method.