
Playing around

CAS 2015 Notes

[KY] Eugenio Moliní

[idea] comuniredes de troyanos
[ref] molini.es

[MS] Apertura - Carlos Ble

Don’t ask for permission.
Be the change you want to see.

[EP] Apertura - Aritz Suescun

[idea] The Design / Research Sprint
Inception -> book The Agile Samurai
[videos] Product Discovery -Marty Cagan

[EP] El sindrome de Niggle, la orientacion a objetos y la familia de Juan Carlos I - Gerard Chiva

Design = Do the minimum to maximize impact
Integrate changes & failures in your product
[quote] “Una obra no se completa nunca, solo te lleva al limited de tus posibilidades”

[MS] Continuous Delivery in a legacy environment - Peter Marshall

It is important to get instant feedback from production
Use CI/CD to share a common vision 1. Remove unnecessary human intervention 2. Monitor / Quality gates / Steady state (know your steady state and alert when the system deviates from it)

[ref] The Strangler Pattern - can be used to transform a monolith
‘Devops’ and ‘Tech Management’ are supporting teams at Planday company. Tech Mgmnr is kind of an architecture team. It is responsible of delivering the technical vision message.
[tip] Simplicity: one thing at a time.

[DP] Viaje a lo desconocido: de lo que no soy a lo que soy - David Roncero


[EP] El arte de decir que no - Carlos Hernandez

Some justifications used to push features to the product: * Customer X is about to quit if we do not provide feature Y => Do not implement it if 95% of users do not use it, otherwise you’ll end up with a Frankenstein * We can make it optional => The product may end up with a control panel like the Enterprise * There’s nothing else planned => Better use the time to revisit features already implemented * Everybody wants this => Show me the numbers * Competitors have it => … yes, but do competitors love it? * Someone else will build it => Have clear the “finish line” of your product (product vision)

Conclusions: * Have a clear vision of what you want to build * Talk to the users * Better the user to adapt to the product than the other way round * The user has to fall in love with what the product IS not with what the product COULD BE / WILL BE. * Benevolent dictatorship

[EP] El Big Data también el ágil (o debería) - Juan Tomás García

[ref] Kappa Architecture - Jay Kreps: https://github.com/milinda/kappa-architecture.com
The importance of Monitoring & Logging

[EP] Un paso más allá del pair programming: diseñadores empotrados - Poun Studio

Enables better communication: * non violent communication * common vocabulary

It enabled: * new ways to solve tasks * new tools: style guide

[EP] Design Thinking: the power to accept every challenge - Mariana Ivanova

The space: Freedom to explore & try things
The people: [ref] T-shape (broad soft skills & deep expertise skills)
The approach: Problem space => Solution space | Diverge -> Converge -> Diverge -> Converge

Steps: 1. UNDERSTAND (The challenge)
Goal: Creative reframing => One direction 2. OBSERVATION (The trap)
Goal: Gain empathy
Techniques: Interview: 5 whys & Debrief after the meeting
book Interviewing Users: How to Uncover Compelling Insights - Steve Portigal 3. DEFINE POINT OF VIEW (Agree on the problem to solve) * Goal: Make sure you are working on the same problem * Techniques: * Storytelling * Clustering * Create Persona * Define POV (= user + need + insight) * Tips: * Do not design for everyone => one thing at a time * Do not confuse solutions with needs
——– PROBLEM SPACE ^ - SOLUTION SPACE v ——– 4. IDEATE * Techniques: * Brainstorming: * Go for quantity * Go for wild ideas * Defer judgement * [idea] Reverse Brainstorming * [ref] The Power of Bad Ideas - Steve Portigal 5. PROTOTYPE (Fail early & often - because it is easy & fast)
Techniques: [idea] dark horse prototype 6. TEST
Negative feedback is the best feedback
book The Mom Test: How to Talk to Customers and Learn If Your Business Is a Good Idea When Everyone Is Lying to You - Rob Fitzpatrick 7. ITERATE
From Test get back to previous steps
Every failure is essential to learning
Find the kid inside yourself (open mind)
DO NOT FALL in love with the process
DO FALL in love with the problem

[KY] Leo Antoli

Correlation != Causation
book Spurious Correlations - Tyler Vigen
Cognitive biases
The problem is software development usually is not a lack of resources, but a lack of knowledge
[tip] Use better product monitoring & exception handling
[tip] small commints => to PRD continuously. If something broke: * easy to identify * easy to rollback

[tool] screenhero.com
Technical debt = conscious decision / you have to pay at some point != shitty code
There’s always tension between - and some equilibrium need to be found
* build the right thing * build the thing right * build it fast

[ref] The Standish Group - Chaos Report
[tip] In meetings, first each one writes down its opinion in order to avoid being biased by the first person speaking
[ref] No true scotsman fallacy
Urgent vs Important
[ref] Anecdotal evidence

[KY] Rachel Davies

Spend your own time learning more: * get insights on bad parts

Use people who are happy to try out things * test the idea * don’t wait for everybody to accept the idea

Build time for learning

Share what you have learned

Involve everyone

Rachel works at unruly.co, here are some insights on what they are doing: * CD: from workstation to PRD: * no STG * Automated tests * 20% time learning & researching: * learning is a currency (truly, they have notes) * swap teams / organizations * learn from PRD: monitoring * pair & mob programming: * challenging pieces * whenever agreement is needed * strandcast: research news. recorded * sharing learning: [idea] use a speaking token * retrospectives * sit with your business * coding dojos * swap organizations: * learn from each other * exchange with other teams & organizations * take turns => share responsibilities * track & reflect: i.e. track that learning is happening (i.e. in a calendar everyone shows what they’ve done during the week: refactor / backlog work / learning / mob-pair programming

[tip] invest time learning more => then write & present (i.e. about something you learned in CAS)

Agile coach mission: encourage people to try what they want to do / achieve

[TO] Gestion del cambio y hacking cultural - Angel Medinilla

[tool] http://www.myhappyforce.com/ - measures employees happiness
[ref] http://www.improvement21.com/
book Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard – Chip Heath & Dan Heath
book Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions – Dan Ariely
[video] charlas de Emilio Duró
Herramientas para cambiar la cultura: * storytelling * small things, repeated 1k times * pain driven facilitation * [tool] https://www.hoshinplan.com/ => vision * use early adopters => not mandatory! * labs: 1 afternoon every 2 weeks * experiments => kaizen board * [idea] champion skeptic * [idea] agile corner / agile safari * script it * action triggers / existing habits

[DP] Soy Persona (no soy recurso) - David Fernández

book Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead – Laszlo Bock
Company owners should build people

Confidence is bidirectional:

  • Freedom => Self-managed teams
    • heterogenity
    • fellowship: pair / mob programming
    • leadership: different people can lead in different aspects
    • interconnection
  • Motivation => Engaged employees
    • Goals
    • Development
    • Communication => feedback
    • Investment
  • Happiness => Happy & Productive people
    • Smile
    • Concilliation
    • Schedule
    • Kindness

[MS] Dando amor a los tests - Joaquin Engelmo

Cliente != Usuario
[video] Robert C Martin - Clean Architecture and Design => Framework isolation
[tip] to have a bad test base is worst than no having one Code coverage != test quality
DRY even in tests: builders, mothers (mothers know about scenarios), [idea] mock providers / factories

Look at other test doubles than mocks (mocks everywhere): * [ref] sociable unit tests: unit tests that not only talk with mocks (i.e dummies, etc.) * helper & utilities do not have side effects => there’s no need to mock * value objects do not have side effects => there’s no need to mock * Use runners & dependency injection

Tests smells
Name the tests properly: * the failure reporting is based on the test name * if the name is not descriptive enough I’d need to check the code

Improve readability: * AAA: Arrange / Act / Assert => separate these phases with a blank line * General vs specific setup: specific may be better some times in order to not lose context => better encapsulation * DSL => private method / no libraries are needed * One logical assert per test => create custom matchers / asserts

Separate unit / integration tests: even in different folders

[video] Alf Rehn (Åbo Akademi University) - How To Save Innovation From Itself

[CE] Desarrollando tus capacidades a través de la improvisación - Pablo Rodríguez

Improvise == to be ready for the unplanned
Do not judge, do not judge yoourself
There’s no need to be original => create with what you have at hand
Unblocking sentence: “Yes, and also …”
Everybody has something to bring in
[technique] the you can not say no game

Follow the error edge => learn * an error means that you have gone too far * no error means that you haven’t tried enough

Team: * you shine when others shine => supporting each other * be yourself, because the others are already invented => bring in your own universe => something bigger will be created

Listen: * you may realize that someone else has the same problem or knows how to solve it * open listening * it is important too, to make you understand

Living the present: * accept the new paths [technique] the intervened story

Simplify: Less is More => an specific action attracts attention

book Improv Wisdom: Don’t Prepare, Just Show Up – Patricia Ryan Madson

book Improv-ing Agile Teams: Using Constraints to Unlock Creativity – Paul Goddard